At this point Nick and I are working, but the money we make is being spent quickly...or maybe not spent but needed to pay bills. I came into our marriage without debit, he didn't...but that's not his fault, we needed to pay for the venue to get married. So now we are $50 short of our rent due in the next couple days, needing to pay our water bill, soon will have electric bill, then so on and so on. We plan on having money, extra money by September but it feels like a long ways away to be able to pay for some extra food or anything else that is extra. But as we wait and figure this money thing out, we will pray and rely on God for the support.
On Sunday my parents had a get together with their small group and thank goodness because I was able to take food home. That fed Nick lunch and dinner yesterday and me dinner. We still have more and I am so thankful for that.
Last night Nick made spaghetti sauce in the Crockpot (which we use ALL the time!) but it came out a little...bitter (okay, burnt too). We will soon see if the extra little spices we just added will be enough to make it good. I hope so since I'm hungry and it took money to pay to make that sauce. If its good, I will add the recipe, if its bad I wont talk about it again.
I do have to thank God for the food though, I know there are people all over the world that are starving and I am not one of them...I'm just hungry. Thank God everyday for the food you have on your table, in your fridge, on your counter and in your body!